Our Fees
One group of people thinks that they can't afford a financial planner. Another group thinks that they can do it themselves. Both groups may be right. In our experience however, both can be wrong.
Our experience demonstrates that clients benefit from investment returns that are higher than they could achieve on their own. Financial planning services help clients save financial resources that are in the multiples of the fees that they pay. In other words, our clients' out-of-pocket costs for financial planning and investment management are in most cases more than returned to them through avoided spending mistakes and higher investment returns. However, this result is never guaranteed and should not be construed as any promise or guarantee of any rate of return.
We have varying fee arrangements depending on and customized to your particular needs (e.g., hourly, retainer, fixed or percent of assets managed.) Give us a call or drop us an e-mail so we can discuss the fees applicable to your situation.